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The Quiet Light Podcast

Mar 28, 2018

Can Amazon be beaten on their own terms? Chad Annis is one of the very first people to buy an Amazon business from Quiet Light. He’s also one of the first to demonstrate that you can do so successfully. Chad is joining us today from his RV where he is truly living the entrepreneurial dream, traveling all over the country, running his business, and never having to sit in a cubicle.

Chad is the Founder & CEO of Market Defence, a company specializing in cleaning up brands and making their Amazon presence truly profitable. After seeing a brand that he purchased a few years ago as passive side income – a top seller in the Amazon space – fall to the Amazon Direct machine, he took steps to learn how to fight the machine. He started developing a set of techniques to help brands out-Amazon Amazon. Chad proposes a team of experts who can get the brand and reputation on track simply by using Amazon’s rule system to their advantage.

Episode Highlights:
Find yourself a group of people who know what they’re doing. They are all out there and they are good at what they do.
It can take less than 90 days to get your business “clean” and from there it can be really profitable to be on Amazon.
Market Defense comes in, cleans up a brand, tweaks the marketing, and gets the product catalog back into the control of the brand.
Chad’s team of legal experts, ex-amazonians, and marketing experts have made his techniques so successful that fortune 50 companies are knocking on his door.
When a brand gets above the 70k per month mark Amazon starts calling, wooing and convincing owners that sales will grow more once part of the Amazon retail model.
Chad advises against selling first-party direct to Amazon retail as brands can lose control of catalog and pricing.
If you want optimal control over your product, go 3rd party.
When it comes to inventory in 3rd party, the brand has complete surveillance over when and how much of a product is made available to Amazon.
Chad also shares his top tips for avoiding leaky products.
People are afraid of the ever-changing e-commerce climate but those who have learned how to be nimble in that environment have a market advantage.

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